What is the waitlist?

At Prolific, trust is one of our key principles. With this in mind, data quality for our researchers and high-quality submissions from our participants go hand in hand. Sadly, we can’t have the door fully open without limitations. We have to be able to selectively invite participants in controlled numbers to ensure our participant pool meets the ever-changing needs of our researchers.

To enable this, we use a waitlist for new, prospective joiners to the platform. Participants have signed up in ever-increasing numbers as our platform has grown, so we use a waitlist to ensure that the most in-demand demographics for our researchers are in healthy supply, without compromising on the number of studies available for the participants who take part in them. It’s a delicate balance of supply and demand that the waitlist empowers us to control

How do I join the waitlist?

You join the waitlist by signing up here. You’ll fill out some personal information and then if selected, you’ll receive an email to create an account.

When will I be invited off the waitlist?

Invites are sent out based on supply and demand in the demographics of our participant pool.

This means some participants wait 6 hours for an invite and others six months or more.

I'm afraid there is no way to accurately forecast where an individual will likely be placed on the waitlist, as it isn't chronological and moves in light of our researchers’ demand and the supply of participants in our pool.

Thanks for your patience and we hope to have you on the platform soon!

Join the waitlist